More than 99% of the students and parents who use our services are delighted with the service. In some rare cases where something goes wrong, we understand that you may want a full or partial refund of the fees. That’s why My Engineering Buddy provides a moneyback guarantee for all our homework help and assignment assistance tasks. After all, we cherish the long-term relationship we want to build with you.
We are here to help you achieve top grades through high-quality e-learning support. We offer private virtual homework and assignment help and tutoring sessions from the best tutors. We have helped thousands of students learn their subjects and improve their grades.
Why is the moneyback guarantee important
When you decide to trust someone with something as crucial as an assignment or homework, you would want your trust backed up by quality assurance by the service provider. Here are the reasons a moneyback guarantee is a good platform on which the trust can stand its ground.
Your trust is the most important currency for us
We want students and parents to trust us for good reasons. We want to build a mutually beneficial, long-term, and sustainable relationship with the people who use our services.
We are happy if you use our services with confidence
We always strive to serve you in the best manner possible. In the unlikely case of something going awry, we want you to feel confident that your money is safe with us.
It is one of the parameters in our quality control system
One of the ways we assess and manage the performance of our tutors and homework helpers is to measure the moneyback claims made for the tasks performed by the individual.
How My Engineering Buddy confidently offers moneyback guarantee
As mentioned above, we help students get top grades when we help them with their assignments and homework. We are confident that we partially or fully refund the fees in rare cases with a valid and verifiable concern from the customer.
Here are the reasons why we confidently offer a moneyback guarantee.
Top tutors, top grades
We have immense confidence in the ability of our tutors. They are the cornerstone of our successful relationship with students and parents.
Quality control
We have a top-notch quality control system. We regularly evaluate our tutors so that the best performing ones rise to the top and help the maximum number of students.
Plagiarism-free solutions
As our tutors provide 100% original solutions, we eliminate the students’ chances of being penalized for plagiarism.
Understanding of various educational systems
We have a diverse team of tutors capable of handling a wide variety of requirements from students worldwide. As an additional step, we always double-check with the tutor before assigning a task.
Accurate solutions in a range of subjects
We have many years of experience helping students in various subjects, disciplines, specializations, and domains. My Engineering Buddy is home to the best homework solvers and online tutors for engineering, science, business and commerce, languages, humanities, and many other skills.
Related: Refund Policy