My Engineering Buddy provides

Step-by-step homework solutions

For Engineering, College, and University going students or aspirants.

Ace your Exams & Homework

Top Tutors • Top Grades • 24X7 • Affordable  • Online Tutoring Service

My Engineering Buddy is committed to providing step-by-step homework solutions wherever a student demand from us.

Does My Engineering Buddy always provide Step by step homework solutions?

No. We provide the steps only when needed. If you don’t need steps to save time or/and money, we don’t have an issue using shortcuts to solve the problems.

Can My Engineering Buddy solve the problems according to my teacher’s style and the lecture notes?

Yes! We can do that if you want the solutions precisely per your teacher’s style. However, we charge an extra fee for such requests because our experts will have to spend a lot of time reviewing the lecture notes and similar solved problems.

What if I am not satisfied with the explanations given? Can I ask for further explanations?

Definitely! We provide “further” explanations to the Step by step homework solutions if you need them. Please do not hesitate to ask your questions; we are always eager to help you.

The advantages of Step by step homework solutions

  • You get top grades
  • Your understanding improves
  • It shows your teacher/professor that you have understood the topic
  • Your teacher will not ask you to explain how you solved
  • Your teacher may suggest ways to improve your strategy
  • There is a rubric that you need to follow for the best results
  • You can review it later on
  • Chances of making mistakes get reduced, but if it happens, it is easy to find
  • You can solve similar problems faster
  • Others can use your solution as a guide

The disadvantages of Step by step homework solutions

Time to solve a problem increases

This one is a no-brainer! The more explanations one provides at each Step, the longer it takes to solve the problem.

In an exam, you may miss some questions because of a shortage of time

When answering an exam, you must strike a delicate balance between the depth of explanations required in each Step and the allowed time. If you explain too much, you may not be able to finish your exam, hence lower grades. If you provide too few explanations, you will again get lower grades.

The exact amount of explanations needed in each Step is subjective, and only with experience and enough practice, you can perfect it.

You can not develop shortcuts and creative ways to solve a problem

if you always solve the problems as per the standard steps; you will never become creative. You can not approach a problem using different strategies and methods.

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