My Engineering Buddy’s

Grievance Redressal

Not happy with our services? Please raise a complaint, and we will resolve your issue quickly.

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My Engineering Buddy aims to provide the best tutoring services on the web primarily with an “excellent customer experience.” We understand that sometimes even the best service is not enough, and the customer may get a bad experience for various reasons. To address customers’ dissatisfaction, we have a grievance redressal team that looks after dissatisfied customers.

Grievance Redressal team

This team comprises our top management, including the founder and owner of my Engineering Buddy (legal name BlueAura iSolutions Private Limited).

If you complain to our grievance team, it is dealt directly with our top management so that you can get a fast and fair resolution.

How to file a complaint?

To complain, you can either contact us on WhatsApp or ask our student helpline team to raise a complaint. Alternatively, you can email our grievance redressal team at Please share as much info as possible so we can resolve your issue faster.

We value our customers, and we look into each complaint seriously.

Reasons customers may be dissatisfied

Bad service

It is the main reason for dissatisfaction most of the time. We provide many tutoring services viz live online tutoring, homework/assignment help, Essay writing, test preparation, and live sessions to students from various countries and universities. Even with the top tutors, sometimes the quality of service suffers.

If you are dissatisfied with the service, raise a complaint, and we will look into the issue and resolve it asap.

Check our refund policy for refund-related complaints.

Bad experience

People usually do not forget the way they get treated. Please raise a complaint if you received good service but felt terrible about how we treated you. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards unprofessional and nasty behavior. Just let us know, and we will take appropriate action.

Unreasonable fee

Even if you got excellent service and experience with us, you might still be dissatisfied due to unreasonable or higher fees. Raise a complaint, and we will look into the matter.

Breach of trust

We have a strict 100% confidentiality policy. If you feel we have not honored it, you can raise a complaint, and we will resolve your issue.

Related: Terms and conditions | Privacy Policy