My Engineering Buddy provides

Tutors from top universities and colleges

Are you sick of mediocre tutors who are slow, lack knowledge and make too many mistakes? With us, get tutors from top universities and colleges.

Ace your homework and exams with confidence

Top Tutors • Top Grades • 24X7 • Affordable  • Online Tutoring Service

My Engineering Buddy provides quality tutoring and homework help services, and it is not possible if the quality of our tutors is not excellent. If you look at the profile of our tutors, you will find that most of them are from top-tier colleges (ivy leagues).

So do we consciously hire tutors from top colleges only, or is it just a coincidence that our tutors belong to A-grade colleges?

Before answering this question, we would like to clarify that we never discriminate against aspiring or existing tutors solely based on their college and university. That being said, we also accept that most tutors come from these Tier-1 colleges. However, it is not because we put any effort in this direction; it is very natural, and we will explain that now.

As we said, we provide the best online tutoring/assignment help services, and without excellent tutors, it would not have been possible. So we hire the best tutors, subject matter experts, and educators; incidentally, they come from top colleges.

So what is the reason?

The reason is simple. It is hard to get admission to the top colleges like IIT, MIT, Oxford, Cambridge, etc., so the colleges themselves are doing the filtering. Most talented students end up in these top colleges, and the mediocre ones land up in grade B or tier-2 colleges.

Once a student ends up in grade A, tier-1, or ivy league colleges, they associate daily with students who are as talented as them and professors who are top educators. They compete with better students and become better.

On the other hand, a student who ends up in a tier-2 college associate and competes with average students and is trained by average professors. So they cannot excel and go far behind the students admitted to the tier-1 colleges.

Since we provide/maintain high-quality tutoring/assignment/homework services and more than 65% of our hiring is through internal references (our existing tutors refer their tutor friends); we know that A players associate with A players and B players with B; the references that we get are also from top colleges.

The remaining 35% of tutors we hire from new channels have an equal mix of tier-1 and tier-2 colleges, but only the tutors from top colleges can crack our interviews and written tests.

Hence, unsurprisingly and predominantly, we have tutors from top colleges only.

Why do we hire tutors who have only studied in top universities and colleges?

We don’t! We are ready to hire tutors from all academic backgrounds, but only those coming from top colleges can crack our tough selection exams and interviews.

What are some of the colleges/universities where our tutors come from?

My Engineering Buddy is based in India, and IITs and some NITs are the best engineering college here. Most talented students get selected there, so our tutors are mostly from IITs and NITs.

Do we reject aspiring tutors who are not from top colleges/universities?

Never. We give everyone an equal chance and show no bias towards aspiring tutors from top colleges.

Related: Top Tutors, Top Grades | Excellent Subject Knowledge