My Engineering Buddy provides

100% Confidentiality

in homework help and tutoring services

Ace your Exams & Homework without fear

Top Tutors • Top Grades • 24X7 • Affordable  • Online Tutoring Service

Your confidentiality is of utmost importance to us. We appreciate your trust in us each time you hand us your information. It indicates that you not only believe in our ability to help you with homework, assignment, projects, and private lessons. You also trust us with personal and confidential information. We take it very seriously and are diligent in maintaining your confidentiality 100%.

We have a robust system to ensure nobody has unnecessary access to user data and the documents submitted by them. In the unlikely event of even a minor violation of our code of conduct, we have a no-compromise policy towards such actions.

Steps we take to protect your privacy and confidentiality

Client information and data not visible to the tutors

None of our tutors have access to users’ personal information, including contact information. They can only view the details and files concerned with the assigned task. It ensures that your private information isn’t unnecessarily shared. Our process workflows ensure the utmost confidentiality of personal data and contact information.

We use technology to the fullest to ensure 100% confidentiality

My Engineering Buddy uses advanced technological tools for data encryption and storage. We have invested in state-of-the-art digital security systems to honor your trust in us. No unauthorized personnel can view any data stored in our systems.

Minimal access to user data and documents

The access to data is tightly controlled and well regulated. We regularly review our internal data access protocols and optimize them to ensure optimal privacy and 100% confidentiality for the user.

Mandatory internal confidentiality and privacy training

We regularly conduct internal training to sensitize our staff about the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of user data. These training are mandatory for everyone in the organization. The staff learns about best practices they should follow at work and on their personal devices.

Related: Refund Policy