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AP Biology Tutor

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Top AP Biology Tutors

Divya R

Student’s Rating 4.97/5

Divya R Tutor Photo
Knowledge 94%
Speed 100%
Accuracy 99%
  • AP Biology tutoring online or near you, HW help & test prep.

Neeraj K

Student’s Rating 4.93/5

Neeraj K Tutor Photo
Knowledge 97%
Speed 95%
Accuracy 97%
  • Tutor for AP Biology. Homework help.

Shubhendu M

Student’s Rating 4.96/5

Knowledge 99%
Speed 96%
Accuracy 94%
  • Get online tutoring and homework help with your AP biology exam.

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Start getting  in your Exams and Homework with an amazing AP Biology Tutor.


MEB tutors are the best

I looked for an AP biology tutor near me and found MEB via a Google search. They provided superb guidance to me during the AP Biology course. I got a 5 out of 5 in the exam, and I give them a lot of credit for that.

Charlotte Cooper

Truman State University

A great website for AP course tutorials

My experience with My Engineering Buddy’s online tutoring has been great for the AP courses. Their tutors are well-versed with the AP syllabi. They guided me very well for the AP Biology and Chemistry exams.

Abril Mendez

Grinnell College

Cost-effective personalized tutoring

AP Biology tutoring from My Engineering Buddy helped me a lot. I got admission into my college with credits for AP Biology. I recommend them for AP courses’ tutorials.

Lucas Allen


AP Biology Tutor

How MEB can help you with AP Biology?

If you want to score a top grade in the AP Biology Exam, we can help you get there. Our team of expert online AP Biology tutors can guide you to master the College Board AP Biology exam syllabus. They have helped hundreds of students with AP tutoring for over a decade.

Our online biology tutors have vast tutoring experience and knowledge, so that you get top services every time you need help.

AP Biology prerequisites

The College Board recommends high school chemistry and biology courses are prerequisites for AP Biology. As the AP Biology curriculum covers biology at the molecular level, students with a background in chemistry find the course easier and score better on an average in the exam.

Is AP Biology tough?

AP Biology is one of the toughest AP exams. Its curriculum is challenging, and the percentage of students earning a 5 on the exam is low. The students also feel the nature of the class is demanding. Before signing up for AP Biology, students shall take an introductory biology class to prepare for it. Many students seek AP Biology help besides AP classroom education from outside sources while preparing for the AP exam.

Is AP Biology worth it?

The AP Biology course has a college course equivalency of an introductory two-semester biology course for biology majors. The students can save thousands of dollars in tuition fees upon the college credits from successful completion of the AP Biology course. It indicates a willingness to learn Biology and pursue advanced courses in it.

AP Biology course and exam description

Here is the list of the AP Biology units and topics.

Part 1: Chemistry of Life (12 – 13% of the total score)

Part 2: Cell Structure and Function (10 – 13% of the total score)

Part 3: Cellular Energetics (12 – 16% of the total score)

Part 4: Cell Communication and Cell Cycle (10 – 15% of the total score)

Part 5: Heredity (8 – 11% of the total score)

Part 6: Gene Expression and Regulation (12 – 16% of the total score)

Part 7: Natural Selection (13 – 20% of the total score)

Part 8: Ecology (10 – 15% of the total score)

The AP Biology course is equivalent to a college-level introductory biology course. The College Board tests AP Biology students on their understanding of biology through their ability for inquiry-based investigations on topics like energetics, information storage and transfer, evolution, and system interactions.

The AP Biology College Board official web page has up-to-date information about everything related to the course and the exam.

Resources to help in preparation for the AP Biology exam

Here is a list of great resources and textbooks for students preparing for the AP Biology exam.

The College Board AP Biology questions webpage has AP Biology free-response exam questions for students’ practice. The page also has exam takers’ sample responses, scoring guidelines, and scoring distributions for the AP Biology Exam.
Another excellent place for AP Biology multiple-choice questions and free-response is The AP Biology page. You can use it to practice for the AP Biology exam.
Khan Academy: Khan Academy is an official College Board test prep partner for AP courses. Students can prepare for the AP Biology exam with the Khan Academy AP Biology resources. It has online AP Biology practice tests, quizzes, questions, lessons, and videos.

Suppose you think you can perform at your best by getting private online AP Biology tutorials. In that case, you can get excellent help from an experienced AP biology tutor online at My Engineering Buddy. Our AP Biology tutors will help you familiarize yourself with the AP biology formula sheet, which is vital for a good performance during the AP Biology test. The AP biology tutor price at My Engineering Buddy is affordable, and the sessions are effective.

We offer online tutoring sessions for many subjects, including AP courses.

AP Biology textbooks

  • AP Biology – Student Edition by Dr. Tracey Greenwood, Lissa Bainbridge-Smith, Kent Pryor. Publisher – BIOZONE International
  • 5 Steps to a 5 – AP Biology Elite Student Edition by Mark Anestis, Kelcey Burris. Publisher – McGraw Hill
  • Biology for AP Courses by Julianne Zedalis, John Eggebrecht. Publisher – OpenStax
  • Biology for the AP Course by James Morris, Domenic Castignetti, John Lepri, Rick Relyea. Publisher – W. H. Freeman
  • Princeton Review AP Biology Prep – Practice Tests, Complete Content Review, Strategies & Techniques – College Test Preparation. Publisher – The Princeton Review
  • CliffsNotes Ap Biology by Phillip E. Pack. Publisher – CliffsNotes
  • Sterling Test Prep AP Biology Practice Questions – High Yield AP Biology Questions. Publisher – Sterling Test Prep

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