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Aerospace Engineering Tutors
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Best Aerospace Engineering Tutors!
Don’t compromise your Grades! Start getting top grades in your Exams and Homework with an amazing tutor.
Pankaj K
Student’s Rating 4.97/5
I am an expert in Aerospace Engineering subjects. Learn complex concepts in a 1:1 online tutoring session, or ask me to do your homework. I will ensure top grades in your exams and homework.
“15 years of experience. Top Tutor, B.Tech in Aerospace Engineering, IIT Kanpur”
Neeraj K
Student’s Rating 4.93/5
I have vast experience in the core subjects of Aerospace Engineering. Get online tutoring as well as homework help. I am a perfectionist, and it will also show up in your grades!
“23 years of experience. B tech Aerospace Engineering. BITS Pilani, 1992 Pass-out”
Jitendra S
Student’s Rating 4.92/5

I can explain complex concepts in easy to understand manner and solve problems fast. Top grades are assured in your Aerospace Engineering exams and homework.
“6 years of experience. M.Tech Degree in Aerospace Engineering from IIT Chennai, #1 college of India.”
Student’s Reviews : Aerospace Engineering
Best tutors for Aerospace engineering
I found My Engineering Buddy’s online tutoring service through Google search. They specialize in Aerospace engineering subjects, and it helped me a lot doing my university program. They have the best online tutors who know their subject matter very well.
University of Colorado
Affordable Aerospace engineering online tutoring
I highly recommend My Engineering Buddy’s online tutoring for any Aerospace engineering student like me who feels lost in a large classroom environment. I have taken countless hours of online tutoring, which is both affordable and effective. It helped me so much.
Ahmad Almutairi
Kuwait university
Learned problem-solving techniques
My tutor at MEB was great at teaching fundamental as well as advanced concepts. He was even better at showing me problem-solving techniques and shortcuts. I became a master in many Aerospace engineering subjects and aced all my exams.
If you need help with Aerospace engineering subjects, you are at the right place! Top tutors, top grades assured.
MEB is into the online tutoring and homework help space for 15+ years. Our tutors have solved many assignments and delivered countless tutoring sessions during this time. We have served students from around the globe, mainly the USA, Canada, UK, Gulf, Australia, etc. We know our stuff well, so you will always get the best help whenever you deal with us.
How can MEB help you with Aerospace engineering?
My Engineering Buddy provides online tutoring and homework help in Aerospace engineering and 100+ other subjects. Our tutors are experts in Aerospace engineering and provide live online tutoring sessions in an exclusive 1:1 environment. They can also help with your assignments, labs, projects, etc.
Homework help
If attending live online tutoring sessions is difficult for you and you just want to get your homework done, our homework help service is for you. Please send your questions on our WhatsApp; we will estimate the fee for your homework based on the effort required and the proximity of the deadline. The tutor will start working on your homework once you pay the fee and deliver the solutions well before the deadline. You will get accurate answers according to the guidelines provided.
Online tutoring
We use a 2-way interactive whiteboard and video/audio tools like Zoom, Google Meet, etc. to conduct our sessions. Getting live tutoring from an expert is an efficient way of learning anything quickly. These sessions are also helpful in clearing doubts and solving homework questions.
If interested, we will set up a trial session with a matching tutor of your choice after we receive your request on WhatsApp.
To know the price for tutoring sessions or the project, homework, lab, etc., share the details on our WhatsApp. We will estimate the cost after consulting with our tutors and get back to you. For more info, check our pricing page.
About Aerospace engineering
What is Aerospace engineering?
The engineering of airborne vehicles or objects designed to move and work both inside(air) and outside(space) of the earth’s atmosphere is called Aerospace engineering.
Aeronautical engineering is limited to vehicles inside the earth’s atmosphere (e.g., airplanes, helicopters, etc.), whereas Astronomical engineering is for outside the earth’s atmosphere or in space (e.g., rockets, spaceships, etc.). These two combined make Aerospace engineering.
However, Aeronautical engineering is interchangeably used with Aerospace engineering even though they are slightly different.
For in-depth detail about Aerospace Engineering, watch this YouTube video by Zach Star.
What do we study in Aerospace engineering (BTech program)?
In a 4-year Aerospace engineering BTech program, we first build the basics by learning engineering Physics, Math, Chemistry, Environmental science, Mechanics, Graphics, etc. We also study the basics of various engineering streams like Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, IT, and Electronics engineering. We then learn about Fluid mechanics, Thermodynamics, Strength of materials, and the basics of Aeronautics. Basics of Computer programming, Management, and Economics are also taught.
Once we build a strong base of these core subjects, we start learning the advanced concepts applicable to Aerospace engineering. These are Gas dynamics, Flight dynamics, Aerodynamics, Propulsion systems, Aircraft structures, Avionics, Heat transfer, Vibrations, CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), Aircraft design, Aircraft systems and instrumentations, Rockets and Missiles, Space technology, Air transportation, and Aircraft maintenance.
This syllabus can vary little from college to college, but in essence, it remains the same.
Career scope: Aerospace engineering
With an Aerospace engineering degree, apart from becoming an Aerospace engineer, you can also become an Aerospace technician, Inspection manager, Data engineer and data analyst, Aircraft mechanic, etc. There can be many other options that you can explore after getting your Aerospace engineering degree, though. Those who realize after 4 years in college that they are not suited for Aerospace jobs can shift their focus to its related fields. Mechanical engineering, Automotive engineering, Computer science, Education (the more traditional job of a college professor), Drafting (technical drawing using computer software/CAD or otherwise), etc.
Do I need a tutor for Aerospace engineering?
Aerospace engineering is complex, and some subjects may be challenging to deal with. As it is pretty math-heavy, you may sometimes need a private tutor. We suggest choosing an online tutor over the local tutors near you because of the better quality at a lower price. If you need help with your assignment/homework or want online tutoring sessions, our student helpline team is available 24×7 on WhatsApp. Text us, and we will help you.
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