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Top Tutors – Top Grades!
Top Tutors – Top Grades!
I can help you with MEP design and drafting, HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Protection, Revit MEP, Revit Architecture, Naviswork and more!
10 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with Computer Science, AI , ML , Data Science, Maths , Physics, English and more!
6 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with Mathematics, Calculus, Pre-Calculus. Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science. and more!
7 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with calculus 1, 2, 3, C, C++, Data structure and algorithm , SQL and more!
25 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with Managerial accounting, Financial accounting, Cost accounting, General accounting, Finance and more!
9 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with Fluid Mechanics, Strength of Materials, Solid Mechanics, Engineering drawing, CAE, Control Engineering, Solid Edge, Vehicle Dynamics, Finite Element Analysis, Mechanical core subjects, ANSYS, APDL, Engg Mathematics, Mechanical Vibrations, Engg Mechanics, Fracture Mechanics, FEA, MATLAB and more!
33 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with Mechanical Engineering, Management, Solidworks, AutoCAD, FEA, Lean Management, Six Sigma and more!
12 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Piano, Keyboard and more!
12 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with Machine learning ML, Artificial intelligence AI, Communication, microservices, embedded systems, and programming on java, c, c++, python, django, spring hibernate and more!
5 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with Operating systems, computer architecture, theory of computation, and compiler design and more!
10 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with English, History, Geography, Physiology, Psychology and more!
6 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with Basic Mathematics, Calculus, Algebra, Geometry, Trignometry and more!
22 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 13/hour
I can help you with Organic Chemistry and more!
13 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Engineering Physics, Fluid Mechanics, Mechatronics, CES EDUPack and more!
3 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with English, Creative Writing, IELTS and more!
26 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Transmission lines and Waveguides, Electric Circuit Analysis, Electromagnetic and more!
16 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Transportation Engineering, Survey, Civil Engineering, Project Management, Engineering Mechanics, Mechanics of Solids and more!
25 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with German and more!
15 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with Electrical circuit, electrical machines, electromagnetic theory, power electronics, signal and system, power system, analog and digital electronics and more!
6 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Financial Accounting, Business Management, Financial Management, Business Law, Management Accounting and more!
4 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Electrical circuits, analog Electronics, basic electronics, engineering physics, measurement and more!
5 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Python and more!
12 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with Literature, English, Media Studies, Sociology, History, Philosophy and more!
4 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with Structural Analysis, Strength Of Materials, Highway Engineering, Soil Mechanics and more!
3 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Java, Python, C, C++, C#, cybersecurity, database, AI and more!
8 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with Manufacturing Processes, Mechanics of Materials, Machine Design and more!
28 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 20/hour
I can help you with Embedded C, Microcontrollers, Control Systems, Signals and Systems, Digital Control Systems, Circuit Theory, MATLAB/SIMULINK, Arduino Programming, Internet of things, Embedded systems and IoT projects and more!
6 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 16/hour
I can help you with Computer science, java, python, react and more!
6 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with Electronic devices, circuit theory, wave communication, nanoscience, solid State physics, electromagnetic, Python as a subject, Machine learning using Python, Artificial intelligence as a subject, Characterization and modeling of materials, Matlab and more!
4 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with Machine Learning, AI, Linear Algebra and more!
20 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Strength of materials, Heat transfer, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics and more!
5 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with Structural design and more!
5 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with Digital Electronics, Electronics and circuits theory, EVS, POM, Cryptography and cyber security, Communication theory and most of ECE subjects and some CSC also. and more!
4 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with Mechanical Engineering, Math, Physics and more!
6 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Engineering Mechanics, Strength of Materials, Theory of Machines, Vibrations, Machine Design, Physics and more!
8 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Engineering Thermodynamics, Applied Themodynamics, Heat And Mass Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and more!
6 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with Engineering Geology, Geology, Geography, Hydrogeology, Oceanography, Meteorology, Environmental Sciences, Ecology, Physical Geography, Earth Sciences, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Geophysics and more!
10 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Project Management, CAPM exam and more!
6 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 25/hour
I can help you with Mathematics, calculus, differential equations, probability and more!
9 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with Robotics,All Electronics and communication engineering subjecs, All electrical engineering subjects, Matlab, python, javascript, calculus,Algebra, mutlisim, Pspice, tinker cad, Qgis, Node js, react js and more!
9 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 16/hour
I can help you with Economics, cost accounting, and accounts and more!
4 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Management, Supply chain, Operations management, Quality management, Quality assurance, industrial engineering, manufacturing, production engineering, material science, marketing and more!
15 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Excel and more!
8 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Electrical Engineering, Java, Salesforce, Apex, Physics, Mathematics and more!
4 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with Ecology, Conservation Biology, Environmental science, Biostatistics, Forestry, Wildlife Science and more!
4 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with Maths, chemistry, physics, English, figma, c++, python. Matlab, R Studio, video editing and more!
5 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with Mechanics of Solids, Engineering Mechanics, Statics, and Dynamics and more!
11 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Computer science (html, css, c ), aptitude maths, english and more!
4 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with Fluid mechanics, fluid dynamics, computational fluid dynamics, heat transfer, FEA and more!
5 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 13/hour
I can help you with All Coding Languages, Physics, Maths, Chemistry and more!
7 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with Strength of Materials, structural Analysis,Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Fluid Mechanics,Transportation Engineering,Design of Reinforced Concrete and Steel Structures and more!
4 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Civil Engineering all subjects, Physics, Mathematics and more!
5 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with Robotics, Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32, Electronics, 3D design, 3D printing, Product development, Tinkercad circuits, IoT, and AI, Product Innovation • Product Development, Robotics Software Engineer, Robot Operating System (ROS) · Robotics Hardware Development · Product Innovation · Automation, Genrobot and more!
5 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with Electrical Engineering, Renewable Energy and more!
10 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 13/hour
I can help you with Statistics, Quantitative Methods, Biostatistics, Quantitative techniques, Operations Research and more!
30 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with IB English, Cambridge English, IGCSE Literature, English CBSE, English ICSE, GCSE English language and literature, Grammar, Vocabulary and Comprehension and more!
6 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with Java, C++, PHP, Python, MySQL and more!
13 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with English, IELTS, Grammar and more!
28 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Solid Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines, Manufacturing Processes, Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Automobile engineering and more!
8 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with Digital Electronics, Basic electronics, VLSI design, FPGA design and more!
5 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with Irrigation, fluid mechanics, building materials and construction and more!
4 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with heat and mass transfer, thermodynamics, refrigeration and air conditioning, material science and manufacturing processes and more!
4 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 13/hour
I can help you with Engineering mechanics, dynamics, fluid mechanics and more!
6 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Toxicology, Cell Biology, Human Physiology, Genetics, Embryology, Zoology, Biology and more!
24 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with Machine learning, python, big data, hadoop, datascience, dbms, sql, mysql and more!
15 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with Software engineering, UML, Database Management Systems, Principals of Programming Languages and more!
20 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 13/hour
I can help you with Economics, Social Studies(Grade 1 to 12 ), Science (Grade 1 to 10), Biology (Grade 1 to 10), Chemistry (Grade 1 to 10), Physics (Grade 1 to 10), Mathematics (Grade 1 to 10) and more!
5 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 10/hour
I can help you with Engineering Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Power Plant Engineering, Basic C programming, Basic Python programming, Numerical methods for engineers and more!
10 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with MATLAB, Network Theory, Power system analysis, Control system engineering, Electrical Machine, Network analyzer (Electrical), Power Electronics and Applications, Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE), Power Electronics using MATLAB Simulink, Power System and Protection and more!
12 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with Power electronics Converter and applications, Matlab simulations of Power Electronics, Advanced Power Electronics, Electrical Network Analysis and more!
4 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with Electrical And Electronics Engineering, Control Systems, Simulink, Automation, MATLAB • Problem Solving • Arduino IDE • Teaching • Communication, automotive, Control Design Onramp with Simulink, Simscape and more!
5 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with Power electronics, Solar photovoltaic, MPPT, Control design and more!
5 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with Geotechnical Engineering, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Water Supply and Waste water Engineering Soil Survey, Classification and Mapping Concrete Technology Basic Surveying and more!
4 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with Electrical circuits (Theory and analysis), Power system analysis (Load/. Power flow, Symmetrical and unsymmetrical Fault, Transient and dynamic stability, Power system Protection, Power system control and operation, Electrical machines - (DC machines, Synchronous machines, Induction machines) and more!
18 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with basic electronics, digital circuits and systems, electronic devices, analog and digital communication, analog circuits, antenna, optical fiber communication, instrumentation, Microwave engineering, instrumentation and more!
20 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Automotive engineering, vehicle safety, software system safety, control systems, vehicle testing and more!
9 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with Artificial Intelligence. Python, Mechatronics, Robotics and more!
7 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with PowerShell, Application Packaging and Deployment and more!
5 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 18/hour
I can help you with Computer science, Computer architecture, data structure, operating systems and more!
10 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with MBA, CMA, CA and more!
15 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with Engineering thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Strength of Materials, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Power Plant Engineering, Energy Management and more!
6 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with NEET Chemistry and more!
6 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and NEET Biology and more!
7 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with GRE, GMAT, SAT, TOEFL, ACT, IELTS, CELPIP, PTE, Business English – Speaking and Writing, Voice and Accent,Soft skill coaching, Writing, English - any boards- across the world - class 6 to 12 and more!
6 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with SAT, GMAT, GRE - Quant and more!
14 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Mathematics, Science and more!
3 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with Pharmacotherapeutics, Pharmacology Clinical Toxicology, Cytotoxic and Genotoxicity, Oncology, Clinical Pharmacy and more!
4 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Structural Design Engineering and more!
12 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Finite Element Modelling, ABAQUS and more!
6 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 16/hour
I can help you with Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Biology and more!
13 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Mathematics and more!
5 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with Python, Machine Learning, C, Java and more!
4 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with Physics, Radiological Physics, Radiation Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Math and more!
5 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 13/hour
I can help you with AP Physics, IB Physics, IGCSE Physics, AS and A Level Physics and more!
6 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with Architecture and Interior design and more!
6 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with Abaqus (Civil engineering modelling), Abaqus simulation, Ansys AQWA, Finite Element Analysis using Abaqus, Ansys CFX/Ansys Fluent, SAP2000, Abaqus Soil Interaction and more!
8 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 13/hour
I can help you with AI, data science, machine learning, NLP, Generative AI, Python, R, Data Visualization, Computer Vision and more!
5 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with MATLAB Programming, Multisim, Power Electronics, Electrical and Electronics engineering, MATLAB simulations PSpice simulations Circuits lab using LTspice tool, PSCAD , ETAP simulation and more!
12 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Mechanical Engineering Subjects, CAE, C, Fortran program, Python, Maths, Physics, CAD and more!
18 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with Maths,Physics,Network Analysis, Analog electronics ,Matlab Simulink, DSA, C++ and more!
2 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 13/hour
I can help you with Electrical Circuits, Electrical Machines, Control Systems, Electrical Drives and more!
10 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with Accountancy, Business Studies, Financial Management, Strategic Management, Audit and assurance, Cost Accounting, Resume Writing, Article Writing, Essay writing, SOP Writing, Research papers etc. and more!
7 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with Physics, chemistry, mathematics , economics, sociology, political science , constitution, geography, history , international relations, sociology, disaster management, environment and ecology and more!
10 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 10/hour
I can help you with Biology IB, Biology AP, Biology IGCSE, Biology CBSE, Biology NEET and more!
5 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 10/hour
I can help you with Digital electronics Analog electronics Circuit theory Control system Electrical Machine Signal and system Power electronics EMMI Electromagnetic Mathematics(basic to 12th) Physics (basic to 12th) Sensor and transducer Verilog Programming VLSI Design Analog IC Design, and Simulation Software and more!
5 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 10/hour
I can help you with Chemistry, Biochemistry, Advanced Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Statistical Mechanics. Thermodynamics 1, Quantum Chemistry, Quantum Mechanics and more!
7 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with civil engineering, reinforced concrete, structural steel and more!
7 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with AI, data science, machine learning, python, software development and more!
3 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with Thermodynamics, IC Engine, Power Plant, Manufacturing and more!
4 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with Construction materials and more!
12 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Data structure, Algorithm, Programming, Java, Web Development, React js, JavaScript, C++ and more!
4 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Mathematics and more!
3 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with Data structure and Algorithm, Digital Electronics, Operating System, Basic Electrical Engineering, Engineering Drawing, C, C++, Java, Discrete Mathematics, and more!
5 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with German (With native german accent, very good feedback by student), German to English · German Translation · German Teaching · Tutoring · German · Hindi · Microsoft Office · Microsoft Excel · Microsoft Word · Microsoft PowerPoint · Windows and more!
12 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 10/hour
I can help you with Civil Engineering all subjects, Physics, Mathematics and more!
4 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Java, DSA, Html, css, JavaScript, React, Data Structure and more!
5 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with Civil Engineering (Structural engineering , geotechnical engineering , water resource engineering , environmental engineering , transportation engineering , geomatics engineering)) , Engineering Mathematics (Probability and Statistics, linear algebra , calculus , ordinary differential equation and more!
7 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 13/hour
I can help you with IELTS, PTE , Algebra, Linear Algebra, Trigonometry, geometry, Strength of Materials, AutoCAD, Solidworks, English | Product Design • SOLIDWORKS • CSWA • AutoCAD • ANSYS 3D Modeling Software · SOLIDWORKS · AutoCAD · 3D Rendering · GD&T · Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) · Mechanical Engineering and more!
4 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with Data Science, Computer Science, Power BI, Engineering Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Cosmology, Particle Physics, Calculus, Mathematics and more!
5 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Mechanics of Solids, Engineering Mechanics-Statics and Dynamics and more!
11 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Creative Writing, essay writing, copy writing, psychology, content marketing, brand strategy, content writing, emotional management, journaling, PR writing, articles and more!
10 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 10/hour
I can help you with Digital Electronics, Verilog and more!
3 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 15/hour
I can help you with AP History, MYP English, IGCSE English literature, IGCSE English Language and Literature, SAT English, ICSE English Literature and Language Grade 9-10, SAT Reading, GCSE English language and literature and more!
13 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with Biology, Biotechnology,Biochemistry, Zoology, Genetics, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Ecology Neuroscience, NET (UGC),Developmental Biology, Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Molecular Cell Biology, Animal behavior, Animal and Human Physiology, Behavioral Neuroscience, Stem Cell and more!
3 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour
I can help you with Economics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Econometrics, data analytics, Statistics, Economics, Econometrics, Calculus, Quantitative Methods, Microeconomics, Economics for Managers, Managerial Economics, Macroeconomics and more!
5 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Strength of material, Structural analysis, Reinforced cement concrete, Steel Structure, Geotechnical engineering, Structural Dynamics and more!
3 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Computer Programming (C, C++, Python, JAVA), Data Structure and Algorithms, Object Oriented Programming, Competitive Programming, Operating Systems, DBMS database management system, Compiler Design, Theory of Computation and more!
3 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 14/hour
I can help you with Matlab, Aspen plus, Excel, Mathematics, Chemistry and more!
4 Years of teaching experience
Fee starts at USD 12/hour